A Physical therapist specializes in the facilitation of the neuromuscular system to help patients move efficiently, effectively, and without pain. Pediatric Physical therapists work with children to ensure they meet all their gross motor milestones. Learning how to help your child with purposeful play will help them develop while having fun. Babies learn to move so they can explore their environment and interact with peers. A baby that has difficulty moving can become very fussy and frustrated. Delays in milestones are frequently NOT a sign of major problems but do need to be addressed as each milestone can build on another.
Dr. Alayna Pagnani Holding a Baby - Chiropractic Doctor in Houston Texas
Pediatric Physical therapists can address a multitude of issues:

  • Torticollis and plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome)
  • Hypotonia
  • Hypertonia
  • Difficulty with tummy time
  • Delays in rolling, sitting, crawling and walking
  • Preference for overusing one side of the body
  • Gross motor skill development for premature infants
  • Gross motor skill development for infants with Down syndrome or other genetic issues
  • Wellness checkups to ensure normal progression of milestones

Physical therapists can also help parents navigate the world of containers, baby equipment, toys and orthotics if needed. The market is flooded with expensive swings, bassinets, exersaucers, car seats, bumbos and many more. Many of these “containers” make claims about what they can help your baby achieve but there have been recalls and safety concerns that companies don’t disclose. Use your wellness visit to discuss these needs with a professional.

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Copyright © 2022 Dr. Alayna Pagnani. All right reserved.