Investment sample - Chiropractic in Houston Texas

We offer Out-Of-Network Benefits. This means we are happy to print you a Superbill, which you can submit to your insurance company and they may reimburse you.

After years of being in network with insurance companies I have decided it was time to break free from the handcuffs and restrictions they hold on you as the patient and me as your provider. Their high deductible plans, fee schedule, visit limitations and condition treatment limitations they restrict hinder the care I can provide for you as my patient. If you have been with me through the years you understand how we have had to continually change our policies and prices due to the changes in insurance plans.

With that being said, I do not want to loose you as my patient. I truly care for you and do understand that you are investing in your health when you come in for an adjustment.

Our new Fee Schedule will be very comparable to what you are currently paying using your insurance, if not less. We will not have to limit the amount of visits you are allowed to use and we are free to treat wellness care. We also offer extremely competitive pricing for you to bring your entire family.

We are not in network with Medicare or Medicaid


Service Price Description
Initial Chiropractic Visit $280 History, Exam, Hypervolt, Adjustment, Therapeutic Exercises
Initial Pediatric Chiropractic Visit $280 History, Exam, Adjustment, Therapeutic Exercises
Initial Acupuncture Visit $280 History, 25 minute Acupuncture Session
Rexam $200 Rexam, adjustment, Therapeutic Exercises *Rexam required over 1 year since last visit 2+ years since your last visit is considered a New Patient
Adjustment $65 Adjustment only
Pediatric Adjustment (<8 years old) $65 Adjustment
Acupuncture $80 25 minute Acupuncture Session
Adjustment + Therapy $80 Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Hypervolt, Adjustment
Myofascial Release $40 ~7 min of therapeutic massage and trigger point therapy performed by assistant, 2 minutes of hyervolt, Doctor will follow up to complete muscle therapy ~3 minutes
Graston Technique® $50 ~5-7 minutes, or until the skin gets red, of specific targeted muscle work to the area of complaint
Kinesio-Tape $25 Tape to one treatment area
Cupping $45 Motion and Static Cupping
Laser $35 ~3-5 min laser treatment on area of conflict
Red Light Therapy $50 20 minutes under PlatinumLED red light
Cancelation Fee   *HeathPro must be notified at least 48 hours of your scheduled appointment if you need to Reschedule. Failure to cancel will result in full charge of the visit.

If you have more questions please call the office to discuss.

Cancelation and No-Show Policy

  • Appointments that are not canceled within 48 hours of your scheduled time will be subject to a late cancellation, no –show policy fee.
  • Failure to cancel will result in full charge of the visit. This helps to ensure everyone’s time is valued. Thank you for understanding.

Copyright © 2022 Dr. Alayna Pagnani. All right reserved.

Copyright © 2022 Dr. Alayna Pagnani. All right reserved.